Monday 1 October 2012

The DELL Deal: It's done.

OK - a new day - a new company.

The ChangeBASE team has gone from a small-start-up software company to be acquired by Quest and now today marks the completion of another acquisition - Quest Software has now been acquired by DELL.

The deal has been done. Here is a quick comment from John Swainson, president of Dell Software;
The close of the Quest acquisition is a tremendous milestone in Dell's journey to strengthen our end-to-end IT capabilities, empowering our customers to unlock greater value in their Dell technology investments, as well as their overall IT environments,” said John Swainson, president, Dell Software. “We are addressing key needs for our customers, helping them leverage the cloud, support ‘bring-your-own-device' in their enterprise, and deploy mobile applications and virtualization to drive improved business
You can also read more about the completion of the acquisition of Quest by DELL in the following articles;

Dell closes $2.4 billion buyout of Quest Software
BusinessWeek (AP)

Dell Completes Acquisition of Quest Software
SC Magazine

Dell Completes Quest Software Acquisition

Dell Closes Acquisition Of Quest Software - Quick Facts
RTT News

Done deal: Dell Now Owns Quest Software

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